
Investments Typically when people read the word “investments” they think about different types of personal savings vehicles for retirement.  When you add the word “business” to saving vehicles, ideas like rainy-day funds, strategic planning, or even risk-management...

Author, Carlos Whittaker to speak at CWC

April 29, 2024 Author, Carlos Whittaker to speak at CWC The Bootstrap Collaborative is thrilled to present a special event featuring author, podcaster, and speaker, Carlos Whittaker! Date: Thursday, May 2ndTime2:30 PM: CWC Health & Science Lobby, Student Social...

Tandem Service

Tandem Service My anniversary was coming up.  When I asked my sweetheart if there was anything she wanted to do, I got a surprising answer.  She responded that she had already made a commitment to take our youngest daughter and some of her friends on a bike ride and...